Foundation Paper Piecing
Reference Page

Many of the blocks I simply xeroxed off...and cut the block apart into horizontal or vertical rows...for instance...I paper pieced A-1 in rows across....and then stitched the rows together.  The same with A-2.  Cut the block apart into rows...and you will see that the center row can also be cut apart on the diagonal in the center of the row....

I do NOT add seam allowance to the outside of my paper sections.....I just cut them apart on the lines, and remember (or try to) to leave that 1/4" all the way around....trim that the allowance is there when I put the sections together.

A-4: Center can be paper pieced, as well as the two diagonal corners (upper left and bottom right)....for the other pieces I find it helpful to either use freezer paper as a template and cut 1/4" outside the paper edge...or even just use my cut apart xerox pattern and simply glue stick it to the fabric and trim 1/4" beyond that.

A-5 is paper pieced in rows across.

A-6...tho it is a simple block..can also be paper pieced in rows across simply to save time in measuring and cutting...and guarantees accuracy in size.

A-8 was paper pieced in diagonal rows.

A-9 was paper pieced from the center out after removing thelast border of triangles and trapezoids.  Those were paper pieced separately and added on to the center square.

A-11 is partially paper pieced....keeps those long skinny triangles accurate.

A-12 is a toughy, but can be accurately paper pieced in several sections. Trim off the 4 corner triangles....cut the block patter apart into diagonal rows..the center row can be paper pieced in one section....the other rows must be cut into 3 subsections and paper pieced...join these back into rows and then add to the center row. Add
the 4 corner triangles.

B4 is very easily paper pieced.

B-5 can be paper pieced in sections, and then the 4 diamonds appliqued in the windows.

B-6 is definately best paper pieced....but must be done in small sections. Cut into units, piece and rejoin..adding the 4 sashing strips around the outside of the block last.  It takes some thinking and looking to determine where to cut the block apart ito pieceable sections.

B-10 can be paper pieced in sections, and the for sashing strips added to the outside.

C-1 is easily paper pieced.

C-4 works very well with paper piecing....some additional lines need to be drawn in the corners of the block for straight edge piecing.  This worked well for me....

C7 was DEFINATELY a paper piecer....all those diamond sections.....cut the block apart into will see that you will have to cut the rows into 2 sections each on the diagonal.....applique the diamonds last.

C-8: paper piece in sections, and add the 4 corner triangles.

C-10 Paper piecein rows.  I find it helpful to mark the placement of colored fabrics with an X before stitching....just so I dont reverse the fabric placement.

I also paper pieced D-1 in sections.

D-2 was paper pieced in sections....was a bit tricky...I had to draw lines through some of the squares in between the make them into little snowball blocks.

D-5 is paper pieced in sections...the center squareand its two side bars, the other two side bars with their cornerstones, and the four setting triangles.

D-6 is very easily paper pieced in one section.
D-7 is paper pieced in sections....
D-9 is also paper pieced in sections.

D-10 is paper pieced in sections
D-11 is paper pieced in sections with  a few extra seam lines added for ease of appliqued later...

D-12 is paper pieced in sections, and then the 4 corner squares appliqued on top of the wedge shape...

D-13 is paper pieced.

E-3 is paper pieced ....2 middle rows including the side sashings, and the top and bottom sashings with corner triangles.

E-4 was paper pieced with a few minor adjustments for seam placement....

E-5 was paper pieced in 4 sections and then the center circle hand appliqued.

E-6 was paper pieced in several sections.....even the 4 corner squares were pieced in with a couple extra paper piecing seam lines. This kept those squares VERY SQUARE!

E-7 was paper pieced with the addition of a horizontal and vertical seam line running down and across the center of the block.  Assemble the center if 4 sections, and add the sashing strips to the outside.

E-8 was paper pieced in several rows

E-9 was very easily paper pieced in rows.

E-12 was paper pieced in sections...the center section is cut into two pieces on the diagonal and rejoined before adding the remaining pieces.

E-13 is entirely paper pieced with the addition of continuing a seam line to the edge of the block from the small corner triangles...

F-1 was entirely paper pieced in sections with the extention of one of the seam lines in the 4 corners around the diamonds.

F-2 is completely paper pieced in pie wedge sections.

F-3 has a paper pieced middle row...adding the side sashings at the same
time...the top and bottom sashings and corner triangles are paper pieced
separately and added to the center row.

F-4 is easily paper pieced in diagonal rows.

F-7 is paper pieced in rows...with the center row having 2 units.  Add the sashing strips around the outside last.

F-8 is paper pieced in sections...

F-10 is paper pieced in sections and then stitched together.

F-11 is paper pieced.....the 1/4 circle pieces are appliqued into the corners after the block is stitched together...and then the 4 center pie wedges are appliqued on.

F-12 is paper pieced and then the 4 triangles at the center top, bottom and sides are appliqued in place.

G-2 is paper pieced in rows across.

G-4 is paper pieced from the center out.

G-6 is paper pieced....first the center star in sections (TINY TINY!) and then the outside pieces are added.  I reverse appliqued the tiny star to the center of the pentagon at the center of the big star....

G-9 is paper pieced in rows and sub sections. (are you getting the hang of dissecting these blocks into workable sections yet??)

G-10 is paper pieced in diagonal rows....The upper left and lower right two rows can be paper pieced in one section...The remaining 5 rows must be paper pieced individually.

G-11...if you are really into paper piecing and want to cut down on the applique. You can add lines around the diamonds in this block and paper piece them into the rows.....I did!

G-12...I paper pieced this block and then appliqued the center star in place.

H-1 was paper pieced in sections.

H-2 was paper pieced in sections and the two extra triangles appliqued.

H-3 was paper pieced in sections.

H-5 was paper pieced in sections.

H-7 was paper pieced in sections and the outside sashing added last.

H-8 was paper pieced in sections, and the center pie wedge circle appliqued.

H-9 was paper pieced in sections and the 4 diamonds appliqued last.

H-10 was paper pieced in sections.

H-13 is easily paper pieced.

I-13 is also very easy to paper piece.

I-14 was partially paper pieced, wth the center shape appliqued...there may be a better way to do this than I did..but its done!

I-7 is paper pieced, including the tiny triangles in the center of the sashings!

I-8 is paper pieced in sections...the center...and the 4 corner triangle sections.

I-9 is paper pieced in sections....

I-12 is paper pieced in TOO MANY sections..but it really helps with accuracy.

I-13...(see I-12 above!)

J-2 is easliy paper pieced in sections, adding the 4 corner squares last.

J-4..easy one to paper piece.

J-8 was paper pieced in sections and the 4 melon shapes appliqued to the
corners last.

J-12 can be paper pieced in sections (the bottom two sections...) and added to the handle section...

J-13 is easily paper pieced, and the 4 tears drops appliqued later...

K-1 is paper pieced in rows across

TADA!!!!! this is as far as I have got! I need to get my butt in gear
and get going on it is so close but yet so far!